Intertwined Official Discord Server

Hello all!

I am coming to you with the latest change for Intertwined and while it is nothing to do with the game itself (that is coming in a few weeks I promise) this change is a QoL for those who love the game. I am happy to announce that Intertwined finally has its own discord server. This took time to make due to the fact that I am not a super social person and the aspect of running a server is a daunting task while working full time and creating the game itself, but I now know that it would be nice to have a single place for everyone who enjoys the game to chat about it. 

The server link is below. I will chat from time to time and even post a teaser or two. You will also get to meet the members who are the ones behind some of the characters, such as the Star-Caller himself and our resident kangaroo who loves to cause mischief, Kieran Rezon. I hope you enjoy your time and I hope this will be the start of building an awesome community around Intertwined!

Discord link:

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